Our vision is to be acknowledged as a unique university that provides a valuable education and an excellent academic experience in the development of Lebanon’s youth.
The School of Business is composed of Eight essential components:
To hire the best, most energetic and hopeful instructors who provide knowledge through consistent support and compassion.
To provide a valuable education of international standards to all those students who entrust themselves to the university.
To ensure that our programs and teaching methods are tailored to average students to help them improve and acquire knowledge that will instigate a transformation in the quality of their lives.
To meet the needs of the job market by graduating alumni who are employable.
To encourage transparency, continual learning, and the acquisition of information through interactive and TICE learning, but also through repetition, consistency, and perseveration.
To teach not only content, but also openness, acceptance of cultural differences, and maturity when interacting within their community.
To use technological advancements of the 21st century to help students cope with change in a dynamic market, globalization, and the need for adaptability in an international and online market which requires greater immediacy in communication than ever before.