The Academic System at MUC
MUC prides itself on maintaining well-established academic programs based on the Credit System. The credit system is one way to describe an educational program by linking credit hours to a course based on the number of teaching hours allotted to the course. Under the Credit System a course is assigned 3 credit hours, meets for 3 hours of lecture or lab per week. Generally, credits may reflect the amount of effort required. MUC expects students to allot two hours of weekly study per credit hour to do well in a course.
Courses at MUC are part of departmental offerings. Once a student decides on what department and major to join, he or she can decide on what course to enroll in for the semester. Courses are typically offered Monday through Friday, however, come courses may require additional attendance on Saturdays. Courses are also offered in the mornings and in the evenings. This is done to allow students who wish to work the opportunity to pursue their education while gaining workplace experience. Additionally, it allows for a greater number of courses to be offered per semester for students to register in.
Courses are assigned a code. The code includes the course name, which provides insight as to what will be studied, as well as a number. The course number represents the course level. MUC utilizes levels from 100 to 700; level 100 is assigned for remedial courses, level 200 for sophomore, level 300 for junior and level 400 for senior. Levels above 400 are for graduate seminars, internships, and special offerings.
For example, in "ENG100 English Remedial 1", ENG represents the department of English and 100 is the level. ENG100 is the numerical code of the course. A student can look at this information and will know that the course belongs to the English department, is a remedial course, and a beginner’s level course.
Currently MUC offers an undergraduate degree. The Undergraduate degree is the first one studied at the university level and is either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS). An undergraduate student is one who is studying for their first degree in higher education.
Course Load
Also known as a study load, is actually the number of credit hours a student takes per semester. This refers to the hours of contact the student has with lecture or lab time in a course on a weekly basis. Typically, as student can take no less than 12 hours, and no more than 18 hours. However, in very special cases, exceptional students may increase their study load to 21 hours in the normal semester.
Summer students are allowed to register up to 6 credit hours. The load may be increased to 12 credit hours in exceptional cases.
Exceptional cases may be defined as:
A 3.5 (GPA) point score or more in the previous semester.
Graduation requirements in the same semester, as long as student is not under probation.
A semester is the academic period during which classes are held. MUC’s academic calendar is designed on the basis of three semesters: Fall and Spring and Summer.
Academic Year
It is the period of time allocated for study. It starts in October and ends in August of the following year. It consists of Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
Points are numerical units used register the student’s achievement in terms of GPA. This is the transfer of grades into points. Each course grade is given in points. The highest point for a course taught at MUC is 4.0
Prerequisite and Co-requisite Courses
A prerequisite course is a one that a student must pass before enrolling in a more advanced course.
For example, Accounting I is a prerequisite for Accounting II.
Co-requisite is a course that a student must enroll in at the same time as enrolling in another desired course.
Class Standing
Students are classified according to the number of credits they have earned:
Sophomore: 0 – 30 credits
Junior: 31 – 60 credits
Senior: 61 credits or more
If you still have questions or require further information, please contact the Admissions Office at your campus.